Chinese New Year : 14 Febuary 2010
Animal Sign of Chinese Astrology corresponding in the year: Tiger
The Chinese celebrate their new year according to the lunar calendar, in January or February of the Gregorian calendar. In China, this holiday of the new year is called Chun jie, or holiday of the Spring. It is beyond the biggest holiday of the year, and the only one who gives place to holidays. Celebrations begin the day before the new year with a family meal which lasts four days during which whole China locks itself. The tradition wants that Cai shen (God of the fortune) leaves heavens in the evening of the new year to make its report on the actions of the family during the last year. He returns the fifth day of the new year to grant the fortune. It is this day when many shops reopen their doors. We offer hong bao ( red Envelopes) filled with money to the young people and to the old men when we visit the family and the friends.
The origin of this event goes back up to several thousand years, during which weaved legends rich in colours and in traditions.
One of the most popular is that of Nian, a cruel and gluttonous monster which, believed formerly the Chinese, devoured the human beings the day before the New Year. To keep away him from homes, we posted on each side of the front door a band of red paper on which we wrote a verse. We lit torches and slammed firecrackers during night -traditions always very alive nowadays. It is because indeed, as it was said, Nian was afraid of the red, of the light and of the noise. From the following morning, a feeling of triumph and an atmosphere of flourish reigned, because Nian had been held aside for new year. Everybody then was delighted by launching: "Gong Xi" (Congratulations).